Autumn Attunement Cleanse (Telecourse) with Tara and Marianne

Purify the Lungs, Intestines, and Membranes~ Reestablishing Healthy Boundaries in our Lives.



In Conjunction with Marianne Mitchell, MDP

Nutritional Support that Targets the Digestive Systems and Lung Health.

In the space of Harvest and of Gratitude, we enter into the corridor and blessing of the breath. Our Cleanse is focused on the interface of the internal/external as we prepare to move into the deep sleep of winter. We work with the mucousal lining of the body by supporting colon and lung health, reestablishing healthy bacterial balances and strong yet flexible boundaries in our life experience. Our yoga focuses on healthy digestion practices, colon health, and deep breathwork that cleanses via the pathways of the Lungs. We will include a gentle parasite cleanse and working with healthy emotional and physcial boundaries in our lives.


  • Intelligent Cleansing designed to embrace the Autumn Season with options for everyone.
  • Daily check-in and information calls. (Recorded for your convenience.)
  • Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for Purification, Healing and Seasonal Attunement
  • A Special Autumn Harvest Visioning Session
  • A Special Starlight Energy Healing Attunement
  • Group Meditation for Creating Healthy Boundaries and Sense of Self


Tara Matthews, L.Ac is an accomplished Acupuncturist and Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Trainer, and Practitioner, and student of sound and energy healing practices including the Gong, Sat Nam Rasayan, and Shamanic Energy Work Practices. A Yoga Teacher of over 20 years, she is devoted to the depth of her work and to the healing of her clients through multiple avenues and approaches that create the highest space and resonance possible. Her studies range from the esoteric to modern medicine and ultimately how all of these paths can be seen and understood to be one beautiful road to wellness and evolution. She created the seasonal cleanse platform to support those looking for a customizable approach to the cyclical nature of healing and attuning to the natural world.

Marianne Mitchell is a Certified Modern Wisdom Practitioner and KRI-Certified Aquarian Teacher of Kundalini Yoga in addition to a variety of other certifications and trainings. Marianne has been living a yogic lifestyle with an avid cleansing practice since 2008 and contributing facilitation in cleansing since 2012. Currently in private practice in Asheville, NC, Marianne weaves together an immense toolkit of modalities, including intuitive guidance and wholistic consulting to support individuals and groups at the level of mind, body and spirit to hold each one in remembering more fully who they are.



Bring a friend and receive your cleanse 1/2 off!

Bring Two Friends and your Cleanse is Free! (We will refund your registration fee~ just let us know who your referred)


With Seasonal Attunement Acupuncture and Yoga with Tara in Ventura County:

  • 3 Acupuncture Sessions (One Clearing, Autumn Attuning, and One Nourishing)
  • Unlimited in Person Yoga Sessions for the duration of the Cleanse (Classes held M/T/W)
