Wow. It has been an intense Journey of beautiful openings over this past month! How about you? Life isn’t quite the same, is it? People are dropping their old dated formations and becoming shinier and brighter all the time, now.
I was at a stop light yesterday morning, and I reached over to change the music on my mobile device. In just a moment, a man in a truck next to us began yelling and waving his hands in all directions, very obviously distraught. He looked very angry. My breath caught for a moment. He was very upset about my son and I messing around with our iPods.
Now. Tara of just a few years ago may have said something not so wonderful to the guy. I don’t think I would have flipped him off, although, the thought may have passed through my mind. He would not keep eye contact with me, so I breathed a nice big lung filled breath and paused. And the flow of information arrived in a release of bliss. I could feel the man’s concern. I could see he was overwhelmed by the apparent disconnect this mom and child were having while seated in a motor vehicle. I could feel that he was really concerned about my well being. And he was unable to express it in any other way. His toolbox was what it was. And he was digging around frantically for a way to be of service in the world. So I smiled and sent him love, let him know that we were going to be okay and so was he; and then went on my way in gratitude for his concern.
The realization of creating that pause and allowing the intuitive part of myself to activate more and more in my daily life is a gift of the highest and most sacred caliber. It isn’t something I take for granted. I truly believe we are all doing the best we can. And for those of us that know this, there is responsibility. We get to hold space for this realization in others. That often means pausing before we speak, or apologizing for reacting from ego. Sometimes that means staying in silence and allowing spirit a place to land.
And sometimes that means not flipping people off.
There is a whole lot of shift going on in the world. As usual. Isn’t it cool to know that the extraordinary can be experienced everyday, too?
Oh yes. Exhale.
I am offering a New Year Kundalini Yoga, Sound Bath and Vision Board Workshop will be January 11th from 10AM-1pm at The Yoga Channel at Silverstrand Beach in Oxnard. This will be three invigorating hours of yoga, gong amazement and Vision Board wonderment! All supplies provided. $55
Very limited engagement. Email me to reserve a spot.
AND…of course. There is the deepest of depths still in play, beautiful people. Our Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training begins January 18th. If you are called, let’s anchor that for you this moment. The mystical train is in the station and I have your ticket. All. Aboard.